
Warning! This is a Spoiler for the Mekasia Mystery!

Mek Main
Step 4




 7.0 - 7.5






2.5- 7.0


 10 days

The ZUNs are stunning, the way they swim, and circle the tank, they even produce a crystal? A part of their mystery! They come with an amazing accessory of liquid metal and metal plants! its amazing!

Mekasia Mystery Step 3

The Zuns are quite the beginning of the Mek Mystery, for they produce a blue crystal called the Omni Crystal. How I started out is making a tank 2000x768, which is about 238 liters of water, I had 6 silver red plants and 6 quick silver insects to the tank, I got the tank conditions to the above numbers, then i copied the tank file out of aquazone and into another folder. then i closed the original tank, I opened the copy of the tank and started advancing the computer clock 2 months at a time, I checked the food supply and cleaned the filter , I did water changed 10 percent every 4-5 months of warping, and made sure the GH lervel was back to 8.2 and NH3 to at least 2.5. As you warp the Omni Crystals start appearing, and there isn't any notice, they just appear, keep warping for as many crystals as you want, then to step 4.......

Mek Main
Step 4