Zirco Draco

Warning! This is a Spoiler for the Mekasia Mystery!

Mek Main
Step 5




 7.0 - 7.5


8.2 - 8.5




2.5 - 7.0


 10 days

Another Mek! this time a Metal Seahorse! I love Seahorses!! They are stunning and the above settings have proven to me successful because of the matings and the fry, the average fry count is 3-4 per hatching. One big thing with the Zirco's is that they get real real sick if there is clhorine in the water, I almost lost 2 before I found out!

Mekasia Mystery Step 4

Ok I take the zuns out of that tank we started, and I kept the same temp of the zuns and it didn't bother the Zirco, Basically kept doing the same warping, I noticed the zirco's hovering real close to the Omni sphere. as you warp ahead in time, the blue spheres become a rainbow color and you will receive letters as an accessory, if you look up the reference and look up the accessory you can read the letter from Dr. Chen. When all the spheres are converted to the Radiant crystal then on to step 5

Mek Main
Step 5