
Warning! This is a Spoiler for the Mekasia Mystery!

Mek Main
Step 6




 7.0 - 7.5






 2.5 - 9.0


 15 days

Dancing Salma Bug Accessory with Blue Eyes

 Another Fantastic Fish By Aquazone, I think its ugly, but the fry are cute. the levels above have given me excellent, breeding is quite easy with them, and the average fry is 4-5 per hatching. The female after laying the eggs<sac> seems to be prone to illness. As with all the Mekasia the illness usually is Red Rust Disease. All Meks come with food and medication. When you buy the different kits. Also the story behind the mekasia comes with it.

Mekasia Mystery Step 5

I kept the same tank condition except I brought the temp down to 24.0C/75.2F. And I changed the tank speed to 100 so I would not have to wait, When the temp was right I changed the tank speed back to 1 .0. I added 2 Ormolas. and I added the Dancing bug Accessory, I chanced the food to the food provided by Aquazone, the bug food, and this is what I had to do to get the Meka Sphere, I had to add tons, and tons of silver reed plants, and surrounded the crystals, and I warped, some turned into a meka sphere, some a variation B <which so far is no good> some turned Inactive meka <which so far is no good> and some turned into a Meka sphere < Which is what I wanted!> Plus I noticed the Dancing Bug Accessory eyes turned to blue, I looked up the reference and it told me it became alive <maybe a future mystery?>

Mek Main
Step 6